Your Glasses Should Enhance, Not Conceal Your Face.

  • Take note of the colour of your Specs!
  • Your jewellery, belt, purse and bag should coordinate with your glasses.

What is your style of dress?

If you dress traditionally, then your glasses should have a traditional style.  If your style is modern, then the frames should be modern.  Sometimes your work style will be conflicting with your casual style of dress and in this case it can be wise to chose 2 different frame styles- we like to say formal for work and funky for play.  Think of glasses like shoes, 1 pair does not cover all situations….

Your earrings should not compete with your specs for attention and your necklaces the same.  If your frames are funky you should be able to carry off some chunky statement necklaces.  Rimless are best with fine jewellery.

Balancing your face shape should also be considered.  A round face would look great in boxy or rectangular frames, a long face should consider round frame shapes and an oval face can  wear any shape.

But most of all, have fun choosing!!