Your glasses are a precious item of your personal belongings. It is vital that you look after them well as scratches, smudges or dirt will interfere with their effectiveness, in other words you won’t see well through them if they are dirty!

Oftentimes when we clean someone’s glasses for them they are astounded at the difference it makes to the clarity of their vision.
You wouldn’t drive with a dirty windscreen so why go around using glasses with dirty lenses.

Specialised lens cloths and lens sprays designed for use with our lenses are available to help you keep your glasses in the best possible condition. Our in house lens spray cleaner has a refillable bottle which you can refill in the practice whenever you run out. So environmentally

It is also very important to ensure all parts are in working order and that the glasses are not too loose when you wear them, otherwise risking loosing them or important parts.

We stock nifty little screwdrivers on key rings so you can tweak those little screws when you need to.

At NKO we are always happy to clean your glasses for you, straighten them up and tighten them for you. If you find that your screws are coming loose, your nosepads are falling off or your lenses are falling out, please pop in and we will be happy to rectify the situation. And if this isn’t the case pop in and we will give your glasses an NCT anyway!


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